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Alumni walking the beach
Early GS trademark


Welcome friends and former Grason-Stadler associates. It's hard to believe that over 50 years have passed since I first joined the group at GS in West Concord. I found it to be a unique work environment with peers willing to share knowledge and friendships that have lasted a life time.

1701 audiometer


Photo: GS 1701 audiometer

1969 West Concord, Mass.

I was introduced to Rufus Grason by mutual friends, Charles and Jeannie Wadsworth, and joined the company in November 1963 when GS was only fourteen years old and I was nineteen. Many have come and gone over the last 50 years but a few may still recognize me from the photo on the left taken in 1969 for the introduction of the 1701 audiometer at ASHA that year. This photo was used in the GS convention booths all through the 70's and I still have the original on the wall in my office.

GSI-10 audiometer

Photo: GSI-10 audiometer 1981


While at GS, I worked in "Wiring & Assembly" under George Collette, the "Machine Shop" under Stewart Herrick, "Quality Control" under Ben DeRuzzo, "Sales & Field Service" under Steve Porter and finally as factory "Service Manager" under Richard Vanderlippe.

I'm retired now but for the past 35 years I was an acoustic technologist  specializing in Grason-Stadler audiometric instruments and DBA HTL Acoustics for hearing healthcare professionals on the West Coast. I hope that you find this site informative. If you have anything to contribute, please contact me and don't forget to check into the message center, let us know where you are and what you're doing. Check the alumni list for your name and if you don't see it let me know. If you are interested in vintage products and the early years at GS, see Articles.


Enjoy browsing back in time and come back often,

P. Danielson




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