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Enter the microprocessor

The 1723 Middle-ear analyzer is a prime example of the ultimate in mechanical and analog design. It was without question the best in the world at that time. It was available in 2 versions, (Ver1 226Hz) and (Ver2 226 and 668Hz).

The 80's were the transition period from traditional integrated circuits to microprocessors beginning with the Z80A used in the 1703C industrial screening audiometer and followed by the 1710 (GSI-10) two channel clinical, diagnostic, research audiometer also available in 2 versions, manual or automatic.

The GSI-16 is in my opinion the best two channel clinical audiometer commercially availiable during the 80's and 90's. Rich with features, priced right and user friendly. Accurate, reliable and with longevity.

The 1733 (GSI-33) middle-ear analyzer was the digital replacement for the 1723. It was also available in 2 versions like its predesessor.

The 1727 and 1728 AutoTymps were microproccessor controlled screening devices for middle-ear function. Fast, accurate and reliable.

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